Selasa, 14 Januari 2020

PINTEREST - r e v i e w

Assalamu'alaikum everyone!!

Okay, i'd like to give you all a review about one of many social media that offers many stocks photo. It is P I N T E R E S T.
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P I N T E R E S T is a social media that allows users to share photos that relate user's lifestyle and passion, save images or videos that's posted by either their own account or other user's account (it's
called 'pinning'), and many more. So, if you find images/videos that looks interested, just pin it,ok!
The place where you pin these images/videos to is called "Board". Pinterest is available on laptop, ipad, smartphone, computer, etc. 

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Pinterest is my favorite app. I'm using it for years. Pinterest offers a lot of creatives idea all I need and I can find anything what I want to here and this is the reason why I really love Pinterest. I think, It's very good site for everything whatever we are interested in. It's very easy to use and user friendly. From me, Pinterest has always been my go to the application whenever I needed new ideas or inspiration. 

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In my opinion...
I just can feel the positive side of Pinterest. So, I mean pinterest give me as user a good impact. The positive side of pinterest are...
>> First, With Pinterest, users more easy to categorize nature, clothes, or other items that's interesting. Usually, users categorize it by topic, such as fashion, design, food, or etc.
>> Pinterest is a good social media. It is because Pinterest less interactive than instagram or twitter, like users do more re-pin than they comment.
>> Can keep users well-informed on a myriad of subjects. So these insight are highliy beneficial.
>> Give some inspiration or ideas for all Pinterest's users.

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